How to Scale Your Wedding Business with Hannah Bjorndal
How to Scale Your Wedding Business is a podcast that explores how creative-minded entrepreneurs can build profitable, sustainable businesses through building strong, resilient and long-lasting businesses that are scaleable.
The conversations in each episode focus on how to be intentional and avoid all the common pitfalls when preparing for growth and hiring, training and leading a creative team. Host Hannah Bjorndal focuses on strategies that encourage thriving over surviving and working smarter, not harder.
How to Scale Your Wedding Business with Hannah Bjorndal
Why Build a Team? 8 Reasons that Will Transform Your Business & Life
Vision Casting Workbook: Download for Free
SIGN UP NOW: Dream Team Accelerator Waitlist
Join the Insiders Group: Team Building for Creative Entrepreneurs
BELAY: my top recommendation for virtual assistants
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Last December, about a week before Christmas, I sat with tears in my eyes - happy tears - surrounded by 3 of my dearest friends and our spouses. We were enjoying festive cocktails, champagne and the most amazing French food in the private wine cellar of Cafe Colline in Arlington and sharing stories about the past year and also, sharing all the ways we were proud of each other in 2022.
Those three friends also happen to be team, and that dinner was our annual Christmas party.
As we were headed home that night, I told Evan that this night was a highlight of my year, and possibly the culmination of everything I had worked for so far in my business. I think it may be the proudest I have ever felt in my life.
Building a team is an absolutely incredible adventure - filled with so many unexpected moments of joy, of excitement, of frustration, of bonding and, as cheesy as it sounds . . . of memories.
While it’s definitely a big commitment, my journey of team building isn’t something I would trade for the world. It’s one of the best things I’ve experienced in my work, and, as I mentioned before, it’s also one of the things I’m most proud of.
As I’ve recalibrated this podcast to specifically focus on team building, I think it’s really important to start off with talking about WHY. Why should you even consider this massive commitment? That’s what I’m sharing today!