How to Scale Your Wedding Business with Hannah Bjorndal
How to Scale Your Wedding Business is a podcast that explores how creative-minded entrepreneurs can build profitable, sustainable businesses through building strong, resilient and long-lasting businesses that are scaleable.
The conversations in each episode focus on how to be intentional and avoid all the common pitfalls when preparing for growth and hiring, training and leading a creative team. Host Hannah Bjorndal focuses on strategies that encourage thriving over surviving and working smarter, not harder.
How to Scale Your Wedding Business with Hannah Bjorndal
5 Steps I Took to Double My Income in 2 Years (Part 2)
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We are currently in the middle of a 5-part series on the steps I took to double my business income in 2 years. If you missed the last episode - Step 1 - go back and listen to that before jumping in to this week. It’s a helpful starting point and will make this episode all the more useful to you!
If you listened in to Part 1 of this series you already know the backstory - that from the end of 2019 to the end of 2021 I doubled my business’s total revenue. It was a crazy two years in just about every way imaginable.
And, you might have found yourself wondering - “did the pandemic actually create more free time in my calendar, which in turn allowed me to spend lots more time working “on” instead of “in” - well, yes and no!
Last week’s Step 1 - that step was actually taken starting in 2019. Most of the initial time and habits I developed to start structuring my work days for working “on” the business more were established before (but only right before) my business started to grow rapidly.
And truthfully, if I had waited to start prioritizing working ON my business until the pandemic hit - I think the results would have been dramatically different, and I wouldn’t have had the mental or emotional capacity to learn new skills or habits.
So, yes, I did have more time in 2020 than I anticipated to work on the business, but the wheels of change had already been turning for about 6 months, and that is where the real change happened which planted to seeds of rapid growth.
And on that note, we continue on our journey and tackle Step 2.